Pastor Don Wolan

Pastor Donald Wolan
Downriver Christian Community Church
Melvindale, Michigan

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It's Possible!

Lyrics: It's Possible - Cinderella

It's possible for a plain yellow pumpkin to become a golden carriage.
It's possible for a plain country bumpkin and a prince to join in marriage.
  And four white mice are easily turned to horses 
Such fal de rah and fiddle dee dee of courses 
Quite possible!
It's possible!
For the world is full of zanies and fools 
Who don't believe in sensible rules 
And won't believe what sensible people say
  And because these daft and dewey eyed dopes 
Keep building up impossible hopes 
Things are happening every day.
  It's possible
  It's possible
  It's possible
  It's possible
  It's possible
  It's possible
    It's possible!!

This past Sunday many churches throughout the world celebrated the most holy of the holy days - Darwin Day! Now, you may be asking yourself what Darwin Day is. Darwin Day is a Sunday set aside by many "churches" to pay honor and tribute to the infamous Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution! Since Charles Darwin revolutionized and began to overthrow the world and its Christian worldview with his theory of descent with modification, Darwinists have been preaching the gospel of Charles with zeal that should leave most Christians embarrassed and ashamed with their efforts to preach the real gospel! Through the savvy use of television, public education, children's movies, and books - as well as a little intimidation in the public square and academia - the theory of evolution has infected, poisoned, and directed EVERY realm of study, thought, and social action in our society today! 

The dean of American biology, Theodosius Dobzhansky (1900-1975), claimed that “evolution” is the cornerstone of biology and is central to an understanding of both living and extinct organisms. His statement that “nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution” has been repeated in hundreds of articles arguing for a central place for Darwinism in all areas of science education, including medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology.
Richard Dawkins is a modern day false prophet of atheism and a British ethologist, evolutionary biologist, and author. He is an emeritus fellow of New College Oxford and was the University of Oxford's Professor for Public Understanding of Science from 1995 until 2008. He opines that, without Darwinism, “biology is a collection of miscellaneous facts” and before children “learn to think in an evolutionary way” the information that students learn will:
Just be facts, with no binding thread to hold them together, nothing to make them memorable or coherent.  With evolution, a great light breaks through into the deepest recesses, into every corner, of the science of life.  You understand not only what is, but why.  How can you possibly teach biology unless you begin with evolution?  How, indeed, can you call yourself an educated person, if you know nothing of the Darwinian reason for your own existence? 
The sad fact of the matter is that many "Christians" have swallowed the "fact of evolution" uncritically because "science" says it's true and we all know "science" is infallible in its proclamations! Even more unfortunate is that many churches do not see any conflict between evolutionary thinking and Christianity and totally accept evolution as God's method of creation! Nothing could be further from the truth! Evolutionary thinking and Christian teaching contradict each other on EVERY important point concerning man, his origins, purpose, ethics and future. Watch the following video by Eric Hovind for a brief comparison of the two diametrically opposed worldviews.

As Cinderella rides off to the prince's ball and sings in wonder and amazement at the ability of the miracle-working fairy godmother in the above video, we laugh with childlike humor at the fairytale's storyline of mice turning into horses or a pumpkin being turned into a carriage. We know that such "miracles" are impossible in the real world, but are used by authors in fairytales to invoke amazement, hope, and awe in their storytelling. However, when the "church" begins to honor and exalt a man such as Charles Darwin and his incredibly foolish teachings above the teachings of Jesus Christ, it's time to say:

Such fal de rah and fiddle dee dee of courses 
Quite possible!
It's possible!
For the world is full of zanies and fools 
Who don't believe in sensible rules 
And won't believe what sensible people say
  And because these daft and dewey eyed dopes 
Keep building up impossible hopes 
Things are happening every day.
  It's possible
  It's possible
  It's possible
  It's possible
  It's possible
  It's possible
    It's possible!! (Sure it is!)

Stay Holy, My Friends!

Pastor Don

P.S. If you can stomach watching the following video, you will see that the world does believe in the ridiculous and impossible! Watch how a mouse can turn into an elephant with nothing more than a little bit of time and luck! It's possible? Sure, things are happening every day!


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